Investigating incident root causes can prevent similar events from occurring again.
幾乎所有公司或組織都經歷過網路安全事件,但在大多數情況下,最後的解決方案只購買了一些安全產品,而沒有找出根本原因。 這就像病人在沒有醫生正確診斷的情況下自行服用藥物一樣。 這意味著這種疾病(資安事件)很快就會再次發生。
In most cases, many organizations experience cybersecurity incidents but only buy some security products without finding out the root cause. This is just like patients taking medicines without a doctor’s proper diagnosis. It means the disease (cyber incident) will occur again soon.
Cybersecurity Assessment & Incident Investigation
Before, during, and after the incident, organizations need to prepare great response strategies or external professional experts. CSI2 can provide cybersecurity assessment and incident investigation services to help with your cybersecurity issues.
Hands-on Training Courses
對於大多數公司來說,培養內部網路安全人才通常很困難且成本高昂。CSI2可以提供高品質的培訓課程,我們的講師平均每年教學500小時。 我們知道如何引導學員更輕鬆地了解網路安全知識、熟練技能。 我們也透過近20年的調查經驗提供客戶進行資安事件反應、數位證據保全、數位調查或訴訟等服務
Developing internal cybersecurity talents is usually hard and costly for most companies. CSI2 can provide high-quality training courses, and our instructor had an average of 500 hours of teaching per year. We know how to guide the trainees to understand cybersecurity knowledge and become proficient at skills more easily. We also support organizations to do incident first-response, evidence preservation, digital investigation, or litigation with our nearly 20 years of experience in investigation